Friday, December 9, 2011

Grab The Bull By The Horns And Sell More Cars, Now In This Recession

If something as common as coffee can be successfully branded to create a hugely profitable business why can't you brand your dealership and separate it from all your competition? Tim Horton's, Starbucks, Second Cup, Equator all are making it with something as mundane as coffee and available in every restaurant, office, warehouse, even every dealership showroom in North America.

In a world full of showroom sameness and similar vehicles you need to brand your dealership to succeed.

Competition has driven up quality and value to the point at which most vehicles have become commodities in the mind of your buyer. So, ask yourself this question. Why would people buy from you and not your competition?


Your vehicles are similar, your vehicle content is similar

Your prices are similar

Your advertising is similar

Your buildings and showroom furniture are the same.

Your factory sales process training is the same

Why would people buy from you and not your competition?

You Need to BRAND your dealership, set it apart, create a difference in the mind of the buyers. But your brand is NOT your dealership's advertising, logo or slogan. Advertising is what you tell your potential customers what you are like before they come.

Your Dealership's real brand is what people say about you after coming to your dealership:

Your brand is the Buying Experience you deliver.

Your front line sales people are what people talk about.

Your Dealership Brand is in the Customer's Mind. Either your word of mouth is good or it is not. Your advertising does not make up for an inadequate sales process. You are branded by every single customer's buying experience. That is what is discussed at the 19th hole or in the curling rink lounge, or the locker room or the pub and bar. Your advertising means jack when people share their poor car or truck buying experience with other potential buyers. This is your real brand. Does your sales process measure up to your advertising message?

Showroom shoppers are a tough sell.

Let's face facts. Selling is an acquired skill. You have to be good to succeed with aggressive price shoppers and people 'just looking'. Your sales consultants have to be ready and capable to handle your customers who are "not buying today but want your 'best' price.'" At least 25 -35% of your customers are not initially easy to handle. Are your sales consultants up to deliver a great buying experience with these people?

The public image and mystery shoppers indicate most sales people are not adequate with these buyers. This is why I train, in my dealer specific, in-house, professional development workshops-how to succeed with the aggressive shoppers we have today. The sales consultants who attend my boot camps are relieved to discover proven, real world answers to succeed with these challenging but serious buyers.

The internet has created a whole new buyer today-more informed, more sceptical, more price savvy. Your new 'image' facilities and your cookie cutter showroom sameness does not make a difference to your customer's actual buying experience. It is the ability of your sales team that makes the difference. Shoppers don't have to buy from inadequate sales people. You are not the only game in town.

How do you build your brand? Two ways.

1) Start with your sales process-from the handshake to the close. Make it better than your competitors and you will sell more vehicles with fewer hassles. You will stand for something positive in your customers mind. Many dealers and sales team leaders are preaching the same ol stuff from their sales experience. Be careful! Today value pricing and low or no mark-up vehicles have changed the sales floor experience-especially with trades! You need to update your sales process even more than your buildings.

2) Focus on how you follow-up and retain clients. 85% of your showroom walk-ins...walk-out. Focus more on a powerful follow-up process to return walk-outs to your showroom. Most of your competitors don't. Be-backs close at 50% because they feel good about their previous buying experience-but only if they are effectively followed up.

Your brand is your salesperson's long-term relationship with their clients. The relationship is sustained or it isn't. Focus on a relationship process that is effective and easy to retain lease and purchase clients.


The only car dealers who thrive are those that move beyond "me-too" in their image, services and quality of the buying experience. The only way to accomplish this is to:

o Focus on the specific sales process in your dealership.

o Your target is to create a better buying experience for all shoppers.

o Your sales staff needs to be more competent and skilled in handling all buyers not just 'nice' folks but also the more aggressive clients. Your closing ratio will improve 25% with professional sales training targeted for today's showroom shoppers.

o Your managers need to become better sales team leaders in coaching and directing sales consultants on a positive buying experience with each client

o You need a simple, dedicated prospect and client follow-up system for your vehicle departments.

o Your sales consultants and team leaders need an effective process to easily follow-up showroom walk-outs and bring them back to buy. It is a fact, be-backs close at 35 - 50% ratio.

o Your dealership sales team needs a vehicle sales department focused client retention system that maintains positive, long-term relationships between your sales consultants and your customers. It should not be service department focused. They are two very different approaches.

o Focus your sales team leaders on building an 'entrepreneurship' style of sales professional. Reward them for initiative. Reward your sales consultants for business building activities between 'ups'. Pay more for be-back sales and repeat clients.

You will see more sales per month, more gross and more profit. So take action today. To quote a manufacturer, dealers 'Grab the bull by the horns' and get back in the drivers seat as the entrepreneur you are-not a corporate subsidiary.

Dave Kemp, the Automotivator, President of Automotivator Sales Training and Leadership Development - Improving the buying experience in the nation's automobile showrooms. 1-800-668-0362 TRACKSTAR AUTOMOBILE FOLLOW-UP SYSTEMS, Hot Prospect Managment, Client Retention, Target Marketing made easy. Highly profitable. Inexpensive and extremely easy to use. 1-800-668-0362

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Car dealers and group management report - time for a reality check

Not the kind and way cars that your sales staff have been trained to sell it to buy their customers.

Factory intervention retail sales game has changed things. Zero interest rates, large factory cash bonuses, Internet information, and retail prices on "transactional pricing" reduced approach of your customers have had on the purchase. The result?

1. Not your customers buy reality check - cars the way, that your sales staff have been trained to sell it.
Today, the Internet, now your customers have trained, prices from get talk going. You focus on the latest program, the best incentive available not your vehicle. Many customers are too impatient to pay to get.

2. The rules of the game have changed reality check-.
Most of your seller cope with this aggressive Outlook not good. And it costs you and your sales staff. Went to many real buyers, too many offers are lower earnings than will need too many low commissions and too many sellers of our business as a result finished.

The rules of the game have changed if it is today the sale of cars at your dealer! Did it like a that perhaps "the basics" no longer work?

SHE BETS! In the 70's through the 1990's is very different what their current customers. The sale process, you and take your sales team for granted may not work.

3. Reality check - the old foundations are not working!

Here is just one important example.

The most sales managers and most sales trainers are still on the so-called basic ' meet and greet "walk for each exhibition space." The old ideal was--all interested parties with a friendly smile, a warm friendly welcome meet, then they take on your desktop, to consult with them. Great in theory.

But today, the theory is flawed errors. It would work, of course, if your customers Mr or Mrs nice human-customers are friendly, warm, kuschelig, who like to meet your dealer and can't wait for his very stimulating presentation.

4. Reality check - your customers are graduates of the new buyer's school.
Today, 50% of your showroom views, fit not the classic "meet and greet" model that your sales staff have been trained to use! Why is it not work and often annoying to your customers?

This Internet informed that people "in your face" type of buyer. "I call them the ' Don Cherry school the buyer". "Rock ' em, tmp/mysql.sock ' em, take the seller on the boards quickly," technology. Their customers control quickly.

The first thing that say these buyers for your quiet, comfortable, go by the book dealer is, "You work here?" "I'm in a hurry and I want only your best price." Or the price shopper, whose opening is welcome, "as for your"best price", Wombat there is blue?" "If your price is right, I'll be - back."

5. Reality check - most of your seller fail the class if they are tested by this purchaser. You know treated not as 'aggressive' customers. It is wrong its aggressive words and attitude, as if he or she not a purchaser! In a recent boot camp sales training session for car sales consultants loved these experienced people the sales process.

6. Your customers are more willing than seller sell to buy are willing reality check!
Customers are today only at your dealer if they are informed and ready to take over on your sales consultant. The facts are: they have their decision making process, have feel the need to buy a vehicle in mind, know prices, think they know the payments and shopping are only for salespeople to help, close the transaction completed.

7. Connect reality check - not the most sales consultant.
Their sales staff are still convinced that your customer is 'only'. Their salespeople think that your shoppers just start business because of what they hear at the beginning of the sale. "I'm not buying today, I want only your best price". This graduate of school new buyers are so compelling that your salespeople are not trying, even the close most of the time.

Their reality check - if you are depending on the old sales ideas and training, you compete not well today. Seller must qualified, flexible and professional in their sales presentations today. Or she will fail.

At the heart of 'How to' of the sales process to improve the shopping experience and increase your sales and profits to improve.
Contact me if I can help. Great success, Dave Dave Kemp, the car Motivator of the car sales manager.

Dave Kemp, car Motivator, President of the car Motivator sales training and leadership development - improve the shopping experience in the nation automobile showrooms. 1-800-668-0362

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Nobody reads show

If priced, the lowest interest rates, humongous cash bonuses and free monthly payments have worked, we would be in this mess. The circuit of the merchants and manufacturers cry who can read "it was never easier in history, you buy a vehicle has!" Why are our showrooms empty? I think that nobody reads show.

It is not about money, rebates or interest. What is 'messin' with the heads of ' car buyers is the State of mind. Their show can compete negative advertising that will encourage the media, nothing to do with the free. The media campaign of shock and AWE is like a war on our business. It is madness, that should they bite the arm that feeds them. But it is what it is.

My experience as a car sales trainer is that some merchants their energy effectively in view of the economic studies relocation does not. For many serious advertisers these bad economic times lead to even more publicity. Dollar of more, less buyer with despair news hunt is usually futile. You can compete with the morning, lunch hours and evening news.

If you've been in this industry for a few years, you saw a slowdown. These situations are the perfect storm for the dismantling of traders, which their success on walk - in the are based. I've seen, slender traffic times many traders ravage, extremely profitable in "good times". I believe that that now survive those debts it to what are they between ' walk-in traffic ' in this economic time do.

Why are people not in your showroom noise.

Customers who replace their current vehicle are overdue are intimidated. They are emotionally responding to the panic-mongering around them. Most people are safe from the economic crunch that has made our industry. Yes, it seems a lot of people are affected, but the fact is that only one of seven people are directly affected. For those of us in the industry feels it how we be bushwhacked. But the rest of the population does not find not paid their income in risk or their mortgages. And recent measures of the Government will ease the pain. But not buyers drive your advertising in your showroom positive impact on the bottom line now.

Measures take

So have your car sales consultants respond like the pros, they are and the available buyers. Where are these buyers not in your showroom?

You are in their last owners Bank-some been-some are ignored for 4 to 7 years orphans are not accepted nor by sales per-some are repair of vehicles, which really need in your Service Department, will come to traded-some leads through sales calls and the Internet. Trading and profitable.

References - to keep what you have while always someone else.

Its competitor can be ignored very well its last owner. Referrals from your current and past owners set interested parties from other retailers. Solid recommendations come from the work of the curling rink, hockey rink, the coffee shop. Everyone sold or sell is positive where to buy your friends and contacts and from whom to buy influence. It's not rocket, but the result will be revenue from referral clients. But you have to be intended.

I have customers who have applied these principles since the first day when we years ago track star is installed. Also in economic downtime grow they continue to because of this. You must be on relationships and maximize repeat clients and target marketing, his back, service orphans, sales finance orphans, terminations, Internet leads, sales pitches. Track star does this automatically. See video very profitable short. Simply click on the website.

Take on the elephant

Only the seller can change this situation. It is successful, when they, to one reach to your customers. People buy from people who they like and trust. In difficult times you have your sales team focused to connect with people, building trust and relationships, a customer at a time. Focus on selling after agreement. It is worth the trouble dates have a 35-50% closing ratio! You need to make much money. You eat an elephant a bite at a time.

Time for your sales professionals to

People buy vehicles emotionally. It's that all about creating emotional in your buyers directly access. Their customers need, emotional trust to the decision in this current market-your show to buy that can not. Their car and truck show to overcome fear of not - they contain only information.

Only your sales professional helps your customers to overcome their fear.

Only your sales professional create the desire to buy.

Only your sales consultant? can press to buy the right mouse button with his genuine empathy.

People will not be sold, but they buy if their desire or want to is not met.

People are buying to ensure safety and reliability and their family.

People are to prevent that buy an error.

Only your car can help sales consultant, a customer make a comfortable, "right-feeling" decision.

Your sales consultant are willing and able, appointments and close?

As a car dealer and sales team meeting you one profitable decision. Change the focus of your sales Department of waiting for a buyer to come to your sales team every day, focused customer contact. I can help you this critical and profitable transition. Check out Auto Motivator in-house sales training boot camps on the below website.

Want you not depend, show, don't you? (Print for your files.) (Forward to important people.)

Dave Kemp, car Motivator, President of the car Motivator sales training and leadership development - improve the shopping experience in the nation automobile showrooms. 1-800-668-0362

TRACK INSTAR follow up fuel system, hot prospect management, customer loyalty, target marketing made easy. High profitable. Inexpensive and easy to use.

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Close in the auto sector

The "P" Word.

Closure is all about car customers to make positive decisions. It is not pressure or manipulation.

Their customers need overcome help the word "P". Procrastinating!
Zaudern is of course, if it comes, a purchasing decision. Your customer tries to prevent that an error! They fear the payments on the wrong car or truck. Fear makes us all cowards!

The question, which you need help with... "Is this the right vehicle for me... regardless of the price?"

Until this question will be decided positively, your customer will hesitate.

Unfortunately it does not get some sales consultant. Keep the others 'P' Stomp words... Price or payments.

Your key to success?

The fear factor to take and take the abduction.

So your view land to the "right vehicle" and eliminate fear. Focus on issues, quality issues, hear, checkpoint and you then choose a vehicle which is the closest you can have their needs. If "best available vehicle" not perfectly so, what is? You rarely have the exact vehicle in stock. Therefore, present what you have, which is similar to, and use it to sell, what will the customer.

Do a POWER presentation next. No Mickey-Mouse presentation, the I recently in a secret business of a dealer-it was pathetic. Is the vehicle presentation pathetic? Perhaps... sometimes... often? (I'll focus capabilities in a future issue of car Motivator on power presentation.) (

Create the "right climate ' for the closure."

The easiest way to close your customers is right in the vehicle that you demonstrate. Driving you zuerst-- do a smoking job to present the features, benefits and the benefits of your vehicle. Then have your drive after drive presentation makes.

Where to stay in the car at the end of the presentation drive... Review the various features one at a time. Come right and questions the customer opinion to any positive function they enjoyed and experienced ride during your presentation.

"? "Mr. Kemp, now, that you have driven this truck, has it that makes you have been looking for" you expect a positive response, because you are addressed only functions that they identified previously as first class. ", You have, that the seat is comfortable enough for the long business trips do you feel Dave?" You already know the answer is positive, because they lived.

Do you get it? Closing is eliminating fear before errors or wrong decisions. Then helps your customers come to a decision without feeling pressure. If your client identifies positive function to positive, their fear of a bad decision is reduced and increased their confidence. Your customers need to procrastinate is over. This is your task. Doing that well and you to increase your sales! (For dealers and sales manager, an in-house back to the basics in the maintenance of your gear on the move and growing profits.) (I have a few days each month, let's talk, procrastination has a price.)

Close key to success

o on the presentation discover walking your client shortcut keys or the positive qualities that they experience during the road test.

o always drive to show first, your vehicle functions. That is, means what "demonstration", right?

o staying in the vehicle at the end of the drive of the presentation. Positive assessment has time on one at a.

o questions you your customers opinion of any positive function, discovered during the journey. Provide the list of essential.

o then you've earned the right to a final question.
Discover more people you are willing to say: "Yes, this vehicle is exactly the right thing, I it will take".

Once your customers want, what you sell them stop procrastination and help work the price and payments.

Sales quota for the week - the longer you check the list of positive qualities you in the front seat... the lower the risk of one decision!

Print this car Motivator newsletter and read it every day for the next week. Imprint of the specific sales skills in your Verstand-- and they to use. Do not attempt that you will make, if you do not live something new fear, fear low income. Please email me with your experiences.

You have a great day sell!

Copyright 2005 Dave Kemp seminars

Dave Kemp, the car Motivator
The car sales manager

* Our motivation and passion! To improve the shopping experience for your customers
* In order to improve the profits of your vehicle sales.
* To increase the sales trend and enrich the lifestyle
of your sales consultants and managers in your dealership.

Track star - customer relationship management and follow up systems is on the Board of the Canadian Association of professional trainers and speakers Dave. One industry expert wants your dealer association, producer or performance group questions speaks strongly to retail, please contact Dave.

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Sell more! Stand out in the crowd

Hey, have more money as a sales consultant to separate themselves from the other types. Everyone is to sell your type of vehicle. So why should customers when you buy? Because your price is better... I doubt it. Your vehicle is something special... Yes sure. Their trade appraisals are higher... Duh.

Why should they buy you a big question is, if your vehicles almost around the corner can be purchased.

Need to sell more you stand out in this crowd. Do you have? I mean, that you the highest or the shortest or widest. I mean the sales process a positive difference on you personally in the minds of your customers creates?

Some salespeople are predictable boring. Bla, bla sales pitch. Pull the plug on this sales approach. It is deadly.

What is your brand as a sales consultant? It sells?

I speak not of the name of the manufacturer, I mean, your image. You will sell more, when you work you separate your competitors are vendors. You are, why behavior like it?

The car MOTIVATOR key to successful branding.

1. Treat as a product not your vehicle.

You have on your sales process more to different and better than the other guy-care-more fun-know more will - be more qualified - its more useful for your customers in their time of need as the other guy or GAL.

Be the expert. People buy expertise. Customers react to competence and inadequacy or mediocrity be repelled.

2. You brand yourself through the treatment of himself as a businessman not seller.

You are in business for themselves. You are self-employed as a Commission-based earner. Nobody is your mortgage pay or put food on your family table.

You treat as a business person, you are so. Will meet a vehicle depending on the most qualified sales professional who buy your customers. You will increase their position on competition in the minds of your customers. You will draw as the person to which you want to do with business.

It is branding. Getting the Pact before and set the standard for professionalism. If you want to sell more, what you are.

Sell with passion - customers are bored with the most sales presentations.

Switch you your sales presentation. She wore them WOW!

-Fahren your vehicle first, present you with passion not overturn key

-Den for sale value in the presentation of price.

-Geben for more reasons to buy from your dealer than the competition.

-Proceed to impress them, out of the way to your customers while they are in the dealer.

Follow up better than your competition.

Follow up

If you sell them today, then the most effective fill follow-up they always everywhere get in. The leader in the follow up on your dealership and lead the Pack in sales. People back and buy enough to stay in contact if they need to help their decisions of sales professionals, maintenance.

Brand yourself as the expert following - up people. You will receive professional stature in the soul of the buyer. You will sell more. It will be spoken by your customers than a positive influence in their decision making. (Track star is the professional choice for follow up.) )

Mediocre remain not-be the best.

Not even do, and expect results. Results come, dedicated experts, which consistently has the steps to success are required.

Improve your sales process – it's your brand.

You will be recognized as the best. That's what is for sale. Earn money and have fun!

You have a great day sell! Dave.

Dealers and sales manager - perhaps I can help... I coach dealers with the best sale process in our business today. Is at least that is what my customers say. My car Motivator brand is "Improving the purchase in the nation showrooms experience." That the brand of car Motivator for better purchase stands for merchant experience and more sales for my clients. Check it out at

I can help you design and implement a purchase process at your dealer that your salespeople as the best in our industry is brand. Their sales consultants will be more money and more and more customers and more recommendations. Call me, 1-800-668-0362 or e-mail

Dave Kemp, car Motivator, President of the car Motivator sales training and leadership development - improve the shopping experience in the nation automobile showrooms.

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Automotive marketing on the Web

We are the generation where the Internet plays a major role in our daily lives. Their contribution is a great help to the world of our own homes reach or elsewhere. Apart from personal use, it affects the entrepreneurs all over the world to publish their online business. In particular have automobile seller was checking with the Internet advantage in increasing their sales by automotive direct mail marketing.

Why use automotive direct mail? This is because direct mail is flexible. An entrepreneur can reach a large number of people in a very convenient way. And on top of that,: this method is also practically completed, because all it takes is an Internet connection and a list is.

Many car dealers prefer using automotive direct marketing because they believe that a personal contact between the buyer and the seller has a good start to a good relationship and strong trust for each other to build up. But what does marketing really? defines it simply as "to offer for sale or sell." An effective marketing system is a good start to sell your products or services. You should know all the parts, for example, the car you are selling. You should not only the parts but all details of the car or all cars devices you offer to your customer or client know. It sounds perhaps unpleasant, but you must of them the positive side of your products and services in order for you to convince your customers. Of course, all information should be true and reliable. You can create not only a story about the car or devices.

In automotive marketing should show a better heading for your, in order for the automotive industry, buyers can find your ads at least. You should your price. It should be really competitive with others. And Lastly, you should have your proof of the facilities, to sell. With all these Internet-based business techniques, you might be rich only clicks away from a future.

Find your site is only the first step, the buyers can reach you through. In the car dealer marketingare different ways people show what you have to sell, whether it is used or new cars. Then you slowly see your marketing automotive services pays off with higher sales and profit of course.

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I just my car scratched and I have a $500.00 deductible (or $250.00)! What to do?

Many people today suffered minor damage and do not know is what to do. Some want automatically damage worked for but don't understand that the repair process and what has to place these minor damage work. If you looking for an invisible repair you can on many issues. Why? Also care paint jobs on many vehicles you on the factory next time when the new car dealers. Many factory paint jobs have color error.

What should I do if I have small damage?

First the good news is that it not too serious, really make the value or your vehicle, such as almost all cars a few months old some paint damage. The most common damage that we see is door edge chips to open the door and hit something and stone chips on the front bumper from regular drive. Minor paint damage by launch something with your bumper.

These types of damage can easily be retouched with a touch of paint brush, and that's what we recommend. Why? Because don't understand what people which rework is process. I have to do much more "damage", your color to repair the damage and the color adjustments.

I must be drawn up for the entire area with a semi-coarse Scheuer pad, so that the color is correctly, and then I have the damage of sand and I need you might use filler in some parts of the repair, then it must be sprayed with primer, and then coated on the basis of scruff (scratches or sand) and finally clear coated. (If you a difficult color have a perfect match may be the color not.)

Some things to consider. How is striking the damage? So, keep you in mind, this may be not the only damage you to the vehicle in the course of time have it yourself. How new is the vehicle? If it fell only a few miles of it you could the value of the vehicle through painting it!

Are you concerned about rust? Plastic bumper not rust. This may seem funny, but I have more than a few people who think that their bumper will rust. No doubt they see not the bumper is made of plastic, but they are. The only vehicles now will be one day, the bumper metal covers truck and some SUVS and they are usually chrome. How is it touch? You also not your car to a body shop think taking you there retouched can arrive. You are in the color. And if they are retouching, expect you not to meet or look good.

Geriebener touch is just a way to look like, but you want it is as good as it can. I recommend it to the dealer and require that their in-place color retouch repair person damage. In fact if only a bumper and you it must have painted it I recommend that you are dealer on site using painter. First questions it what kind of work. Try to find out people of 2 or more revenue, what they think of him.

You want a quality paint job, no cheap paint job. Thinking you however that this artist is always cheaper than body shop. He will make far more experienced small repairs and colour as the body shop-blending and he be cheaper, so is it a win for you customers win!
I a body repair own company on site repairs, custom color games is specialized, color blends, body repair, retouch and scratch repair. We have also a site where we sell our exclusive Headlight restoration Kit we designed and created. We have sold well over 2000 kits from our Web site and on eBay. We have over 1900 positive feedback for our Headlight restoration Kit.

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Automatic shipping via closed container

Specialists recommend open car transport in the rule indicate that it is much easier to load and unload open airlines. In a matter of hours, more than 33 carriers can fully be loaded. It takes so long, only a car in a container to load and then the container on the container shipping line, hoist. The loading unloading process is quite different, that heavy specialised equipment for pick-up and destination sites. Existing container terminals are adapted for dealing with cars and special protection areas must be provided separately for the process and to store the appropriate hardware. Separate and remote areas are also required for the safety of the client property. Container carriers manage about half of the number of cars, which means an open network operators.

The vehicle must be to ensure professionally handled and secured inside the container to its security. It is this careful handling and thorough knowledge of special equipment in the process, which depends on the safety of the vehicle. The container should be designed not only for a car, but in some cases even to the model of the car. If it is not, it will be back up within the container a very complicated matter. No matter there is still carefully maneuver to secure the vehicle within the container. This first process load is where most of the damage to the vehicle is made, found only on unloading at the destination.

On the other hand, in an open vehicle damage results from unauthorized access to the cars easier with open carriers. Vandalism is not plausible result and with open perpetrators must not in the vicinity of the platforms: in some cases, cars are known hunting rifle fire - sometimes a sport accident, sometimes unsportsmanlike sports suffer. Unauthorized access to closed container is possible but interior is more difficult.

An entry in a foreign country is difficult if not impossible for long open-vehicle trains. Not every country has the same technology and equipment, to deal with the situation, and if they do, charge shipping can cause from country to country delays the different documentation. When long trains from production sites deeply, when they reach the border of another country are loaded in foreign lands, the vehicles from the existing trucks must unload and their loaded on airlines can transport on the other side of the border. This opens the vehicles for damage and theft. Again, the delivery is delayed.

TRANS-Pack is an innovative technological development means to solve such problems. This invention is not available, however. Not all countries offer closed container shipping in all dimensions.

What means TRANS-rack is the carrier to increase its load of vehicles, in closed containers and at the same time to allow the cost of transporting about 25%. It is also more secure to prevent damage to the vehicles at loading and unloading. The use of trans-rack system cars have a much better chance arrive intact and undamaged. Serious attempts have been made which included creating a loaded container from a height of 5 m, delete the container, but not the inner cargo. TRANS-rack is much easier, load and unload, which takes less time to, in the process. A full container is available in 30 minutes. The system comes with standardised systems ensure the vehicles which make not only safer but bears the cost of transport low holds.

Please visit read MetroGistics more on car transport or auto shipping .

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Automatic shipping via closed container

Specialists recommend open car transport in the rule indicate that it is much easier to load and unload open airlines. In a matter of hours, more than 33 carriers can fully be loaded. It takes so long, only a car in a container to load and then the container on the container shipping line, hoist. The loading unloading process is quite different, that heavy specialised equipment for pick-up and destination sites. Existing container terminals are adapted for dealing with cars and special protection areas must be provided separately for the process and to store the appropriate hardware. Separate and remote areas are also required for the safety of the client property. Container carriers manage about half of the number of cars, which means an open network operators.

The vehicle must be to ensure professionally handled and secured inside the container to its security. It is this careful handling and thorough knowledge of special equipment in the process, which depends on the safety of the vehicle. The container should be designed not only for a car, but in some cases even to the model of the car. If it is not, it will be back up within the container a very complicated matter. No matter there is still carefully maneuver to secure the vehicle within the container. This first process load is where most of the damage to the vehicle is made, found only on unloading at the destination.

On the other hand, in an open vehicle damage results from unauthorized access to the cars easier with open carriers. Vandalism is not plausible result and with open perpetrators must not in the vicinity of the platforms: in some cases, cars are known hunting rifle fire - sometimes a sport accident, sometimes unsportsmanlike sports suffer. Unauthorized access to closed container is possible but interior is more difficult.

An entry in a foreign country is difficult if not impossible for long open-vehicle trains. Not every country has the same technology and equipment, to deal with the situation, and if they do, charge shipping can cause from country to country delays the different documentation. When long trains from production sites deeply, when they reach the border of another country are loaded in foreign lands, the vehicles from the existing trucks must unload and their loaded on airlines can transport on the other side of the border. This opens the vehicles for damage and theft. Again, the delivery is delayed.

TRANS-Pack is an innovative technological development means to solve such problems. This invention is not available, however. Not all countries offer closed container shipping in all dimensions.

What means TRANS-rack is the carrier to increase its load of vehicles, in closed containers and at the same time to allow the cost of transporting about 25%. It is also more secure to prevent damage to the vehicles at loading and unloading. The use of trans-rack system cars have a much better chance arrive intact and undamaged. Serious attempts have been made which included creating a loaded container from a height of 5 m, delete the container, but not the inner cargo. TRANS-rack is much easier, load and unload, which takes less time to, in the process. A full container is available in 30 minutes. The system comes with standardised systems ensure the vehicles which make not only safer but bears the cost of transport low holds.

Please visit read MetroGistics more on car transport or auto shipping .

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why So Personal?

We can all recollect the excitement of our very first car or the strange anticipation in receiving a new car. It's shiny, clean and brand new; but something's missing. A personal licence plate fills that space in a very satisfying way to both the owner and any passengers with the privilege to journey within it. However, buying a personal number plate as a gift to you is not the only way to share this identity formation. Buying personal plates is currently at its peak, however so is investing in them. These plates as an alternative investment hit a wide audience of buyers as well as all vehicles from luxurious cars to the more affordable cars, motorbikes and vans.
Alternative investment is meant to increase your cash flow in applicable and uncomplicated customs and different paths. One path is to find customers such as by making a website based upon how you find perfect plates for customers, have them announce their desired plate to you and for you to then research through 'quick private number plate searches', order it and sell it to the buyer. Ordinary names and words can be bought in advance for an even quicker purchase for customers. An alternative path is to use the DVLA as your main buyer as a trustworthy and valued company, or other researched and trusted suppliers.
If you're the type of person who enjoys reading or listening about celebrity life, then you'll love to know that 'we commoners' aren't the only ones so drawn to these unique plates. Even Her Majesty the Queen herself has her own 'A7' plate displayed on her car. Famous entrepreneur, Lord Alan Sugar's personal number plate is portrayed in the opening credits of 'The Apprentice' to show his accessorized Rolls-Royce and these were bought in no means less simple than how we do.
In order to purchase your customization, you can easily search and buy on copious amounts of websites online. Many websites allow you to type in any words or numbers you'd like and if is not available, the closest match will be offered as a choice. The DVLA website is very assuring in itself as it says how there are 'over 30 million registrations available to buy online, so finding your ideal number plate might seem daunting at first, but the process is very simple.' A certificate of entitlement must be sent to you as purchase options are also available online. A choice is given to you as to whether you undergo a possible free transfer service or undergo a self transfer with a certificate which you just take to your local DVLA office.